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Cao Dai Temple, Tay Ninh Vietnam

January 30, 2012

Cao Dai, Temple, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, Tay Ninh

I love to be surprised when I travel. This is why I hardly plan my trips but leave room for serendipity.

I heard about Cao Dai Temple from the hotel’s concierge I was staying in Ho Chi Minh. I had only two days to spend in Ho Chi Min but wanted to do something different. The concierge has offered me a few alternatives, and I have chosen the one that seemed to be unique, and the one I knew I couldn’t do it by myself. I googled about it the night before the bus ride to Cao Dai and the visuals and images of the Temple’s interior grabbed my attention and raised my curiosity. I already started to plan in my head what I wanted to shoot.

Cao Dai Temple is located outside a small city of Tay Ninh, 60 miles away from Ho Chi Minh. Even though it is not a central location in a big city, this temple has been the center of Cao Dai, which has five millions followers. Even though Cao Daiism is not the country’s dominant religion, it is the largest homegrown one. The temple attracts thousands of believers and pilgrims and tourists who come to experience this beautiful interiors. The Temple in Tay Ninh is considered the largest one, where the religion was founded in the year of 1926 and where the authority of the Cao Dai is located.

Cao Dai‘ means the highest spiritual place where GOD exists. And when I got there, I understood why. It is one thing to see it in pictures, and another thing to see it in your own eyes. I loved the bright lively colors of the Temple’s exterior and was quite curious to get inside, not before leaving my shoes outside the Temple. (out of respect for the holly place). Both exterior and interior of the Cao Dai Temple are extravagantly decorated by incorporating symbols, abstract designs and images of saints. The high ceiling is painted sky-blue with fluffy clouds and the floor tiles have busy patterns. The dragon-encrusted columns that run the length of the nave number 28, representing the 28 manifestations of the Buddha. Seven-headed cobras represent the seven human emotions. But the most important symbol is the Divine Eye, which is representing God.

There are four daily services inside the Temple, each service lasts for approx 30 minutes. mostly chanting. I think the main service when tourists come or when guided tours visit is at noon time. During the service you need to keep quiet. We, the observers, were standing on the second floor, looking at the service from above. I was able to take pictures of the priests and pilgrims while they got ready to enter the main hall, bowing before commencing the service. Only priests and pilgrims are allowed in the Temple’s service. While the Cao Dai’s priests were wearing robes in the three principals colors of Cao Dai: Yellow for Buddhism, Blue for Taoism and Red for Christianity, the pilgrims were wearing White. I couldn’t help but notice that the majority of the prayers were elderly people,. It might be a sign of the decline of the religion or simply a natural byproduct of people raising families and working. It also seemed to be an egalitarian faith, because there were just as many of the priests and student priests older women.

At the end of the service, when I was heading out toward the tour bus, I was quite surprised to hear Hebrew. I always turn my head around when I hear Hebrew. It is a habit I got since I was living in New York. I guess Israelis are everywhere.

If you are planning a trip to Vietnam and heading to Ho Chi Minh city, don’t miss on Cao Dai. It is so worth it.

Cao Dai, Temple, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, Tay NinhCao Dai, Temple, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, Tay Ninh

Cao Dai, Temple, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, Tay Ninh

Cao Dai, Temple, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, Tay Ninh

Cao Dai, Temple, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, Tay Ninh

Cao Dai, Temple, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, Tay Ninh

Cao Dai, Temple, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, Tay Ninh

Cao Dai, Temple, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, Tay Ninh

Cao Dai, Temple, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, Tay Ninh

Cao Dai, Temple, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, Tay Ninh

Cao Dai, Temple, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, Tay Ninh


Happy New Year 2012

December 31, 2011

Some people measure their lives by the places they have been to, the food they have tasted, and the people they fell in love with. Wishing you a well travelled year, with the people you love

new year, travel, florence, italy

Picture is worth a 1000 Words

A picture is worth a 1000 words

September 25, 2011

Venice, Italy, Carnival, Travel, masks

“…Life is a carnival, you need to go on all the rides..”

Venice, Italy September 2011

I’ve spent only few hours in Venice and yet, manage to shoot so much in such a short time.

It seems that almost every other store in Venice sells these special masks and costumes for the well known Carnival of Venice, but CaDel Sol is one of the biggest one with a great variety. Stepping into this store is like stepping into a candy shop when you are five years old and you don’t know what to look for at first, and you don’t know what to choose. It really made me curious more about the Carnival. I haven’t been yet to a Venetian Carnival but this is definitely something on my ‘to do’ list one day.

And yes, Life is a Carnival. Not necessarily a Venetian one. And if we do tend to see our Life that way, so be better need to go on all the rides and not forget to enjoy them.


Picture is worth a 1000 Words

A picture is worth a 1000 words

September 25, 2011

Florence, Italy, Travel, a Picture is worth a 1000 words, Love,

“Travel is like love, mostly because it’s a heightened state of awareness, in which we are mindful, receptive, undimmed by familiarity and ready to be transformed. That is why the best trips, like the best love affairs, never really end” 

Giardini di Boboli, Florence, September 2011

One of my weekend morning in Florence was spent by walking in Giardini di Boboli, a breathtaking garden located just a block away from the place I was staying in. This beautiful oasis labyrinth is one of many treasures Florence has to offer to its visitors and residents. There are so many hidden gems and hidden locations in the gardens that one morning or one stroll were definitely not enough.

If Love heightens our state of awareness, then the same goes for Photography. Same goes for Travel.

As a photographer I must keep ‘practicing’ awareness to what is around me, so I can keep capturing eye-opener shots. Same with Love and Travel…I must keep ‘practicing’ awareness to keep capturing eye-opener experiences.



Picture is worth a 1000 Words

A picture is worth a 1000 words

June 17, 2011

Bahamas, Nassua, Travel, Friendship, Birthday, a Picture worth a thousand words

“To go against the dominant thinking of your friends, of most of the people you see every day, is perhaps the most difficult act of heroism you can perform”

Nassau, the Bahamas, June 2011

This picture always reminds me the Brazilian movie ‘City of God’. Not that I can compare between the two situations (as probably there is no room for comparison) but there was something in the teenagers fast energy, that reminds me the fast-moving energy in the movie I watched so many years ago, but still echos in my mind. The movie tells the story of two childhood friends who grew up in the same violent neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro, but each of them took a different path; one became a photographer, the other a drug dealer.

I was watching these teenager boys goofing and playing around, throwing each other to the water time after time. I followed them with my camera as I wanted to grab their energy, not their attention. This image grabbed me immediately; the way they straighten their backs, they way they walk tall and the confident way they carrying themselves. They were walking like that till they got to the edge of the pier and then they jumped.


Picture is worth a 1000 Words

A picture is worth a 1000 words

June 16, 2011

Nassua, Bahamas, Travel, Love

“As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn’t supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart-broken probably more than once and it’s harder every time. You’ll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You’ll fight with your best friend. You’ll blame a new love for things an old one did. You’ll cry because time is passing too fast, and you’ll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you’ve never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you’ll never get back”

Nassau, the Bahamas, June 2011

I was in the Bahamas for my birthday with one of my Gemini friends, who celebrates her birthday three days before me. Whereas her birthday was quite sunny and warm, the day of mine, was with some showers and thunderstorms. This image was taken a day or two before my birthday, I think. I was walking on the beach, debating what to shoot, what to drink or whether to have a swim or not. And then I saw these teenager-kids goofing around. Throwing each other to the water, swimming back to shore, stepping back to the pier and doing it again. I decided to follow them with my camera and catch their great-young and restlessness energy. I couldn’t ignore the happy expression on this kid’s face and his inviting gesture. Do you think I jumped too?


Summer Time; Nassau, the Bahamas

June 12, 2011

Travel, Nassau, The Bahamas, Paradise Island, Summer

To be honest, I don’t have a lot to say about Nassau in the Bahamas.

I arrived here few days ago with my friend Sharyn to celebrate our birthdays on the island. For the last two years or three we celebrated our Birthdays together in one of the rooftops in Manhattan, inviting our friends to have a drink or two with us.

But this year we both felt we want to avoid the city drama, and we got too bored with standing behind velvet ropes, so we have decided to have a destination Birthday and escape. We escaped a tiny, crowded, hectic island (Manhattan) and replaced it with a relaxed, slow paced, scattered one (The Bahamas).

I’ve wanted to visit the Bahamas for a while now, but only now I got the chance. It was quite a last minute thing, as we found a sweet deal and we decided to roll with it. We knew there might be a chance of a storm, but at the same time we knew we could see all different shades of blue colors so it was worth it. Besides, June rain and storms can happen in New York as well, so why not to go to THE Bahamas.

I can’t consider myself as the type who enjoys sitting in the sun all day doing nothing, and I am getting bored if the scenarios in front of my eyes hardly change. I know a vacation for me with a capital V, will never contains only palm trees and hammocks, because I need more than that. Don’t get me wrong, I am having a marvelous time, but since not a lot of sight seeing for a beach vacation, so not a lot to write about in this post.

Therefore I’d rather just stare at these calming, colorful images I took (it was before I fell and scratched the inside of my palms) and these endless shades of blue.

Bahamas, Nassau, The Paradise Island, Summer, Travel, Birthday

Travel, Nassau, The Bahamas, Paradise Island, Summer

Travel, Nassau, The Bahamas, Paradise Island, Summer

Travel, Nassau, The Bahamas, Paradise Island, Summer

Travel, Nassau, The Bahamas, Paradise Island, Summer

Travel, Nassau, The Bahamas, Paradise Island, Summer


Bahamas, Nassau, The Paradise Island, Summer, Travel, Birthday


As much as the island is colorful and relaxed during day time, at night it transforms into something else, something different, with vibrant colors and complete different energy.

Happy Birthday!

Bahamas, Nassau, The Paradise Island, Summer, Travel, Birthday

Bahamas, Nassau, The Paradise Island, Summer, Travel, Birthday

Bahamas, Nassau, The Paradise Island, Summer, Travel, Birthday

Bahamas, Nassau, The Paradise Island, Summer, Travel, Birthday

The Bahamas, Nassau, Paradise Island, Summer, Travel, Birthday