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In case of traveling….

July 1, 2012

Can’t believe it is July already…

As for some, the Summer is just about to start, I feel mine has already started. New York is quite hot and humid these days and the New Yorkers know they should take advantage of the sun, because who knows how the weather be tomorrow. Besides, I feel the Summers in New York are quite short (in comparison to Tel Aviv, for example) so every minute counts. In case you feel like running in Central Park, consider doing it before 9am, otherwise it might be a disaster, and if you are looking for an alternative to cool off, I highly recommend checking one of the hotels’ rooftops or pools (Americano and Dream Downtown are great alternatives if you know the right people) instead of passing through the air conditioned stores on 5th Avenue.

Summer seems to be the perfect season and reason for Traveling. Hope you got your passport handy and you know where you are heading. (with me, it can be a last minute thing). And don’t forget that once you are in a different country, there are so many differences you should respect.

I stumbled upon this funny card the other day that really made me laugh, as I can very much relate to this situation ‘Generally speaking, people in foreign countries understand you better if you speak louder’

Wishing you an adventurous Summer and stay tuned for my next.
